
How To Remove Water Based Paint From Plastic

How to Remove Paint From Plastic – The Best Paint Strippers for Plastic

How to Remove Paint from Plastic

In that location is always a chance of spilling a little paint when working around the house. Possibly you have washed the best y'all can to embrace areas, but you lot notwithstanding somehow manage to find paint splatter on surfaces when you are finished. Removing paint from metal and most other surfaces is like shooting fish in a barrel; you simply wipe it off with a solvent. Removing paint from plastic, on the other hand, tin can exist a little more difficult as solvents can damage the surface. Thankfully, when it comes to how to remove paint from plastic, there are a few safer methods.


  • one A Cursory Look at Plastic Varieties
  • 2 How to Remove Pigment From Plastic
    • 2.ane Scraping the Pigment
    • 2.2 Rubbing Alcohol
    • 2.3 Vegetable oil
    • 2.4 Distilled Vinegar
    • 2.v Acetone and Solvents
    • two.6 A Summary of the Dissimilar Methods for Removing Pigment from Plastic
  • iii Our Top Three Recommendations for Paint Removing Products
    • 3.1 The Best Specialized Paint Remover: MOTSENBOCKER'Southward Elevator Off
    • iii.2 The Best All-Effectually Paint Remover: MR Make clean Magic Eraser
    • iii.three The Most Constructive Paint Stripper for Plastic: GOOF OFF Household Heavy Duty Remover
  • 4 The All-time Methods for Removing Pigment from Plastic Models
    • 4.1 Dettol Disinfectant
    • 4.ii Oven Cleaner
    • 4.3 Sanding
    • 4.4 Isopropyl alcohol
  • 5 Our Top Tips for Removing Paint From Plastic
  • 6 Frequently Asked Questions
    • How to Remove Enamel Pigment From Plastic?
    • half-dozen.2 How to Remove Spray Paint From Plastic?
    • 6.3 Can Paint be Stripped off Vinyl with Sandpaper?
    • 6.iv Tin you utilise Pigment Thinners on Plastic?

A Brief Look at Plastic Varieties

At abode or work, if you lot expect around, you are bound to notice numerous plastic items and products. Plastic has get an extremely common material that comes in dissimilar forms. In that location are several primary forms of plastic as follows:

  • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET): Widely used for packaging for drinks and food
  • High-Density Polyethylene or HDPE: Piping, bottles, wood, and plastic composites, and much more
  • Depression-Density Polyethylene or LDPE: Containers, tubing, and most normally the plastic bag
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Industrial and domestic uses like window frames, siding, hosepipes, cable insulation, roofing, and more
  • Polypropylene (PP): Variety of applications from automotive to consumer goods, industrial, packaging, and medical applications
  • Polystyrene or Styrofoam (PS): Lightweight and easy to form into items like disposable cutlery and packaging
  • Various assorted plastics including acrylic, polycarbonate, polylactide, styrene, acrylonitrile butadiene, nylon, and fiberglass
Strip Paint from Plastic

As you tin can see, plastic is quite a broad term as there are many different types of plastics available today. The type of plastic can also play a part in removing paint from plastic as some are harder and more durable than others. And then, what are the possible cases where removing pigment from plastic is necessary?

  • Light switch covers
  • Plastic stools and steps
  • Furniture
  • Uncovered handles on appliances
  • Model painting
  • Roof fan
  • Drain pipes
  • Vinyl siding
  • Plant containers

How to Remove Paint From Plastic

When trying to strip paint from plastic, using a solvent may but harm the particular you want to clean. The easiest and safest method to attempt first is uncomplicated, apply a rag and some soapy water. Rub the surface area until the paint comes off and launder clean with a wet cloth. You can also soak plastic items if possible. This is well-nigh effective when done immediately and the paint has not stale all the same. However, if the paint remains, yous tin can motion on to something else. Below are more methods on how to remove paint from plastic.

Removing Paint from Plastic Surfaces

Scraping the Paint

Another piece of cake method to assist yous strip paint from plastic is by gently scraping it off using a paint scraper. This method works all-time on shine plastic, but whatever the example, be conscientious to not be too aggressive or you could damage the surface. Instead of a pigment scraper, you lot could besides try a blade, screwdriver, or putty pocketknife. Make sure the scraper is at an angle to scrape the pigment.

If the paint remains, consider wiping the area with a little warm soapy water, or a picayune rubbing alcohol, and then endeavour scraping once more.

Rubbing Alcohol

Every bit mentioned, some rubbing booze tin can besides help. In this case, apply some of the rubbing alcohol to the pigment only and then cover it with some plastic wrap. Await for thirty minutes before taking the plastic wrap abroad, then wipe the paint off. This procedure might have to be done two or three times to make sure all the paint is gone. When wiping abroad the pigment, use a cloth as a castor or other abrasive material that tin can harm the plastic surface. Likewise, information technology is a good thought to examination out a small unobtrusive expanse offset to see if the rubbing alcohol has any negative upshot on the plastic. You lot also might consider wearing a mask and using some gloves for protection.

How to Remove Spray Paint from Plastic with Household Items

Vegetable oil

Another method for how to remove spray paint from plastic with household items is vegetable oil. Everybody has this in their homes, and it is safe and easy to employ for removing paint from plastic. Place a make clean cloth into the vegetable oil and rub where the pigment has spilled. Here y'all tin can apply with a lot more free energy until you tin run into the paint coming off.

Distilled Vinegar

How to remove spray paint from plastic with household items? We all most probable have vinegar in the kitchen, and so why not utilize it for removing pigment from plastic. However, there are certain things you must take into account, including the type of pigment on the plastic surface. Vinegar volition remove latex pigment most effectively. All you lot have to do is estrus some distilled vinegar in the microwave on high. Leave it in for i minute and it should and so exist quite warm but not too hot. Dip a sponge into the warm vinegar and rub the area where the paint is on the plastic surface.

Paint Remover for Plastic Surfaces

Acetone and Solvents

You might need something stronger than vegetable oil when it comes to how to remove enamel paint from plastic, which is where acetone comes in. Yous can utilize nail shine, however, if the plastic is colored, a regular acetone-based production volition work better. Apply directly to the pigment, wait five minutes, so wipe off with a cloth.

Whatsoever solvent gives off toxic fumes, so working in a well-ventilated area is advisable.

You can also consider denatured alcohol, which is stronger, nevertheless, y'all must be careful when using it. Dip a rag into the alcohol and employ only a pocket-sized corporeality directly to the paint. Wait five minutes to make sure it is not affecting the pigment. Simply apply once every bit the plastic surface will be damaged if too much is used. If you notice the pigment is dissolving, yous can then scrape the paint off. One time the paint has been removed, there might be a few spots left. Simply wipe the surface with a cloth dipped in some warm soapy h2o and so go out the surface to dry thoroughly. This method is best used on harder plastics like a bucket and only works to take off latex paint.

Paint Stripper for Plastic

You lot tin can likewise use ammonia, which works more on acrylic and latex paints. Mineral spirits will work better on oil-based paints. Solvents should e'er be tested out get-go in an unobtrusive area. The dissimilar plastic will react differently, then have a Q-tip and place a drop on the plastic surface, and expect to see what happens. If you exercise non discover any deviation, it should be okay to utilize the solvents.

A Summary of the Unlike Methods for Removing Paint from Plastic

As you tin can run across, there are several effective methods for removing pigment from plastic surfaces. Here is a brief summary of these unlike methods.

Removing Paint From Plastic-Methods Constructive Safe to utilise
Use Caution
Paint Scraper
Rubbing Alcohol
Distilled Vinegar
Vegetable oil (oil-based paint)
Solvents (Denatured alcohol, thinners)

Our Top Three Recommendations for Paint Removing Products

There is likewise some pigment remover for plastic products on the marketplace that are effective and safe to apply on a multifariousness of surfaces including plastic. These products can also be used for a variety of other purposes around the house, making them versatile and worth what yous pay for them.

Removing Paint from Plastic

The All-time Specialized Pigment Remover: MOTSENBOCKER'S Lift Off

If you lot are looking for a product specialized product for removing pigment, then you lot practise not need to look any further than this fantastic product. The water-based formula allows yous to safely and hands remove all kinds of paint from a range of surfaces, including metallic, plastic, concrete, fiberglass, and more. This product is eco-friendly and safe for the user.


  • The water-based formula easily and safely removes all kinds of pigment
  • Suitable for a range of surfaces, including plastic, and concrete
  • The formula is eco-friendly and safe to utilize

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  • Eco-friendly product
  • H2o-based formula
  • Safety to utilize
  • Suitable for a range of surfaces
  • Can remove many different types of paint


  • Has an unpleasant and strong odor and then all-time to use outside

The Best All-Effectually Paint Remover: MR Make clean Magic Eraser

If you only need to clean upwards a small amount of spilled paint and you do not desire to purchase a whole new product, this all-in-one domestic cleaner is a great option. Once you have removed the spilled paint, you can utilise these cleaning pads to clean upwardly any other sources of dirt in your habitation. This product is perfect for cleaning doors, bathtubs, oven doors, and fifty-fifty light switches. There are no harsh chemicals in this product, and you can either re-fill the product once information technology runs out or recycle the canteen.

MR CLEAN Magic Eraser

  • The versatile cleaning scrubber is tough on dirt on a range of surfaces
  • The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser provides a powerful clean with water
  • You can refill the bottle or recycle information technology when it is empty

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  • Suitable for cleaning throughout the home
  • Contains no harsh chemicals
  • Suitable for a range of surfaces
  • Refillable and recyclable


  • The product only contains nine pads

The Most Effective Paint Stripper for Plastic: GOOF OFF Household Heavy Duty Remover

This production works the first time every fourth dimension to remove a variety of tough stains like pigment on plastic. If you have tried many products and they have non worked, then yous definitely need to endeavor this production. Y'all can safely use this paint stripper for plastic, habiliment, glass, and a diversity of other surfaces. This pigment remover for plastic is easy to use, simply apply it to the stain and get out information technology to penetrate for at least a minute. You tin can and so use an absorbent cloth to wipe it off.

GOOF OFF Household Heavy Duty Remover

  • Goof Off works apace on the first application to remove tough stains
  • Removes the hard messes and mistakes ordinary cleaners tin can't handle
  • Safe to use on plastic, textile, and wearable

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  • Highly effective at removing the toughest stains
  • Suitable for a range of surfaces
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to use

The Best Methods for Removing Pigment from Plastic Models

Plastic models and painting them is a popular hobby and at some point, a paint stripper for plastic will be necessary. Maybe a error was made, or y'all could simply want to apply a fresh coat of paint, either way, the old paint needs to be removed. Plastic models can either be painted with enamel or acrylic paints and these tin exist removed by using a commercial paint remover you go at a model store. You could also endeavor out other products like Easy Off, Uncomplicated Green, Royal Power cleaner, or SuperClean.

Removing Paint from Plastic Models

Dettol Disinfectant

There are other options available too, and these methods utilize materials that might be lying around the house. Ane cheap and easy method is to use Dettol or some other antiseptic product. This will work all-time on acrylic paints. Follow the process below for removing paint from plastic models.

  • Place some of the Dettol into a big enough container
  • Fill until it covers the plastic detail
  • Leave this to soak for about 4 hours
  • Accept the plastic particular or model out
  • Apply a toothbrush to get rid of the paint
  • Once the paint is gone, rinse off with water

Any plastic model or item that soaks in the Dettol volition loosen any mucilage at that place is. However, this is a skillful thing if you want to adjust whatever mistakes. You should simply be aware that the gum will intermission down.

Oven Cleaner

Another household item that can be used to remove pigment from plastic is oven cleaner. You tin spray the model and identify it into a sealed bag. Leave this for a solar day or two and remove it, utilise a brush to make clean the item, and rinse it off with water.

How to Remove Spray Paint from Plastic


This method should but be considered equally a final class of activity. If you do endeavor sanding, apply fine-grit sandpaper, and work extremely advisedly and then that you exercise non impairment or remove whatever surface details.

Isopropyl alcohol

This volition follow the same process equally the Dettol. Place some booze into a container, but plenty to soak the plastic items. Submerge the plastic model pieces and leave for almost 20 minutes. The enamel paint might accept a bit longer to remove. Afterwards soaking, accept a toothbrush and remove the paint. Rinse once done and get out to dry.

This method can be used to remove both acrylic and enamel paint.

Our Elevation Tips for Removing Paint From Plastic

Paint remover for plastic products may comprise harmful ingredients that could bear on the plastic surface. So, always read the label and brand certain what y'all are buying is right and follow the instructions for use. Even some of the household items tin can also crusade damage to plastic surfaces. Nail polish remover, for instance, tin melt plastic, and so it is all-time not to use too much of it. Post-obit are a few more than tips, so you lot can remove paint from plastic carefully.

  • Effort not to scrape, rub, or work too hard on a plastic surface, equally you tin can leave marks backside
  • Denatured booze should be used carefully and can merely be used to remove latex paints, y'all volition need some other solution for oil-based paints
  • Vegetable oil works quite well for oil-based paints
  • Solvents tin exist dangerous, so make sure to use protection like gloves and a mask. As well, work in a well-ventilated space
  • Any paint that has been scraped off is seen every bit hazardous waste matter and you should get rid of it properly
  • Be conscientious when removing paint from plastics and electronics, make sure to unplug or remove batteries before you clean the particular
  • If yous do use a brush, make sure information technology is a natural bristle brush

If yous are always stuck with a situation where you have spilled paint on a plastic surface, you at present know what pigment stripper for paint method to use. Yous can also use whatever of our top recommended products to hands remove the spilled paint in a matter of minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Remove Enamel Paint From Plastic?

When using a paint stripper for plastic, you have to be careful what you use. Harsher chemicals like paint thinners tin cook the plastic. First, try using simple soap and h2o, so try some vegetable oil. If the paint is dry, you can too effort scraping it off and if that does not piece of work, try a trivial acetone or rubbing booze.

How to Remove Spray Pigment From Plastic?

Spray paint can sometimes go onto surfaces even if you accept tried your best not to mess. Depending on the blazon of paint, you can either use soap and water or if it is oil-based pigment, some acetone, or denatured booze if it is latex pigment.

Can Paint be Stripped off Vinyl with Sandpaper?

The best method would be to become rid of the paint direct away. Notwithstanding, you can also lightly sand the surface to get rid of the pigment. Do not overdo this method equally y'all tin can leave marks, sanding will too ho-hum the surface.

Tin can yous utilise Pigment Thinners on Plastic?

Thinners equally a pigment stripper for plastic may not be the best method. Thinners might not harm some harder plastics, but they will definitely impairment softer plastics and dissolve Styrofoam. Trying something less harsh first would be a improve idea.


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